

Through the holistic combination of physical exercises or "asanas" and meditation and breathing exercises or "pranayama", yoga centers the mind, strengthens the body and helps to restore and maintain the inner balance and the state of harmony. Benefits include regeneration of natural bodily functions, long-term serenity and zest for life. "Yoga Intensive" is the name of our resorts, which offer a special variety and intensity in the practice of yoga.

We create your personal dream vacation.

Suitable hotels for the retreat type Yoga intensive for you:


Six Senses Vana

Breathe, learn and understand – discover an inner journey into oneself. This is the magic of Six Senses VANA.

MauritiusIndian Ocean

Shanti Maurice Resort & Spa

The adventure starts NOW. Wether your focus lies on family vacations, wellness and calm or more active days - the incredibly versatile Shanti Maurice manages to turn every one of your whishes into reality. A place as unique and varied as you are, awaits you in the south of the heavenly island of Mauritius.


COMO Shambhala Estate

Located near Ubud, the cultural center of Bali, COMO Shambhala Estate is the ultimate spa retreat – like a lost paradise, It is surrounded by wild jungles, green fields, rolling hills, rushing waterfalls, rivers and fragrant flowers.

QatarMiddle East

Zulal Wellness Resort

Dramatisch zwischen Meer und Wüste, Wasser und Erde, an der Nordspitze von Katar gelegen, inspiriert das traumhafte Zulal Wellness Resort by Chiva-Som seine Gäste zu einer positiven und nachhaltigen Änderung ihres Lebensstils.



The essence of this holistic wellbeing hotel can be drawn from its name – Kamal (lotus) Alaya (realm) meaning the unfolding and growth of the human soul.


Suitable hotels for the retreat type Yoga for you:

MaldivesIndian Ocean


Malediven. Traumdestination. Ein kleines Eiland geschmückt mit weißen Sandstränden, umgeben vom türkisblauen Ozean. Leichtigkeit, Freiheit und pures Glück – all das verspüren wir auf Bodufushi, der Heimat des JOALI BEING. Ein naturverbundenes Wellbeing-Retreat, das auf- und aus der Reihe fällt. Wellness wird hier in einem ganz neuen Kontext erfahren. Eine transformative Reise erwartet Sie!



Unter dem Motto „Health is wealth“ – also „Gesundheit ist Reichtum“ – erwartet Sie das innovative RAKxa Wellness & Medical Retreat als Oase der Ruhe und des holistischen Wohlbefindens. In einem idyllischen Naturparadies unweit von Bangkok begleiten Sie erfahrene Ernährungsberater, Ärzte und Therapeuten auf Ihrer ganz individuellen Transformationsreise. Atmen Sie durch und vertrauen Sie auf die einzigartige Kombination aus fundiertem medizinischem Wissen und tiefgehender Spiritualität, die Sie zu Ihrem natürlichen Reichtum zurückführt.



Aren't we all searching for the rewarding feeling of inner peace? Aren't we all striving for that promising state of bliss and contentment? There are few places in the world that can truly help us to achieve this state of mind. The eco hotel Eremito is one of them.

MaldivesIndian Ocean

COMO Maalifushi

Surfers, families, globetrotters traveling alone, divers and couples - everyone will find their own individual sanctuary from everyday life at COMO Maalifushi. More so, you will find it in the middle of the Indian Ocean - tropical, exotic and incredibly beneficial. This luxury resort manages not only spatially, but also emotionally to make you forget the rest of the world and everyday life. A hideaway in the truest sense of the word!

MaldivesIndian Ocean

Soneva Fushi

Soneva Fushi is a picturesque little island tucked away in the northern Baa Atoll of the Maldives. It was founded by Sonu and Eva in the year 1995 and together they pioneered the concept of barefoot luxury. This is a perfect place for ones looking for a holiday of a particularly relaxed kind!


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